Vaiheittainen opas aloittamiseen ReceiptHerolla

Are you a merchant looking to get started with ReceiptHero's digital receipt solution? If so, this post is for you.
In this article, we will outline the 5 steps involved in getting up and running with ReceiptHero across all your locations. We will also provide additional details about each step, such as what information you will need to provide ReceiptHero and what to expect during each phase.
Understanding the onboarding process is important for a few reasons. First, it will help you to be more prepared for the process, which can save you time and resourcing. Second, it will help you to make informed decisions about the solution, such as which features are important to you and how the solution would fit across your stores. Third, it will help you to avoid any surprises during the onboarding process.
1. Discovery call
This is the initial meeting which we have with merchants looking to implement digital receipts and it's our job to understand the needs and requirements of the merchant and how they would like to roll out the service. It's also a good opportunity to understand how many locations the merchant has and what sort of integration effort is needed. ReceiptHero typically gets the receipt data via an integration with the merchants ECR/cash register system and also for the payment data, ReceiptHero will utilise one or many integrations with payment markets (Visa, Mastercard, Verifone, Worldline or Ingenico). In some cases there might be a requirement to still integrate with a new acquirer or PSP, however this is determinded market by market
2. Proposal
ReceiptHero will come back to the merchant with a detailed proposal and roadmap to getting the merchant onboarded. At this point ReceiptHero might have already estimated the timeline for integrations and also a clear plan to pilot the solution with the merchant. If the merchant is happy to proceed, a formal offer is put together.
3. Integration and testing phase
In this phase ReceiptHero will look to quickly integrate with the new ECR or PSP partner or look to leverage one of the existing integrations. Sometimes testing can take place internally using virtual ECR systems or one of the many registers we have at the office.
The integration and testing phase can take a few weeks, depending on the complexity of your system.
4. Pilot rollout
Once the integration and testing phase is complete, ReceiptHero will begin a pilot rollout of the solution at a few of your locations. This will give you and your customers a chance to try out the solution and provide feedback.
In some cases ReceiptHero will tweak the setup or add further functionality to enhance the service. ReceiptHero's vision is to help all merchants go fully digital and therefore enabling different user flows might be found during the pilot period.
5. Go live
Once the pilot rollout is successful, ReceiptHero will deploy the solution to all of your locations. This is usually a quick and easy process.
Throughout ReceiptHero's onboarding team is ready to help when needed. Part of this phase is also to work with the merchant regarding communication activities towards their customers. Whether that's in-store materials that ReceiptHero helps to create or via online channels (Social media, email or on the merchants website.)
Here are some of the benefits of going fully digital:
Save time and money by eliminating the need to print and store paper receipts.
Provide a better customer experience by giving customers the option to receive digital receipts.
Improve your environmental impact by reducing paper waste.
Comply with government regulations that require businesses to keep electronic records of transactions.
Gain insights into your customers' spending habits by understanding your receipt data.
If you're a merchant who is looking for a way to improve your business, ReceiptHero is the perfect solution for you. Contact us today to learn more!