Rewriting the Rules of the Data Economy

We believe data, when used responsibly and ethically, can be a force for good. It can drive transparent and efficient services, create financial inclusion and empower people to take control of their future. But the way some use data to create value today also has unintended side effects. ReceiptHero is here to rewrite the rules of the data economy.
There are three main partners in every digital receipt transaction: the retailer, the customer and the application that surfaces the receipt. It’s a virtuous circle at work in payments - but it relies on privacy. And privacy isn’t a commodity - it's a choice.
‘We have the most privacy friendly platform on the market, where users know exactly what data has been generated, where that data goes and how they can fully manage it ’ - Saku Pihlajaniemi CTO
One of the most significant challenges in privacy today is the issue of data ownership. While customers see the value of their data, companies have exploited this resource for years – and it’s about time this relationship was redefined. To that end, ReceiptHero has developed a process for matching receipts in a privacy-friendly manner, ensuring that any 3rd party never claims ownership over your sensitive financial information and allowing you to take control over your purchase data.
It’s important to us that we consider our use of data from all angles. That’s why we don’t just focus on making the technical aspects of our data use - best in class, but also undertake internal reviews to have a robust data ethics framework in place. Recently we decided to remove all Google or Facebook pixels from our site and replace our analytics platform with Plausible. The privacy-friendly journey starts the moment you land on our website and learn how we’re giving our users control of their data.
‘We’re digitalizing receipts for good’ - Joel Ojala, CEO
We are committed to building products that don’t put your data at risk. When you use ReceiptHero, it’s your information and only you control who has access. It is encrypted, controlled and protected by default. If you choose to share your data with a retailer, great. If you decide not to, also great. That’s your choice, not ours.